Conveys the meaning that the visually handicappedcan return to society as model citizens after overcoming their disability, with light, hope and courage.


  • Initiatives to Support Rehabilitation
  • Initiatives to the Publish the Braille Version of Books and Audio Books
  • Initiatives to Manage the Braille Library
  • Initiatives Initiatives to Support Learning
  • Initiatives to Living Support
  • Initiatives to Support Lifelong Learning
  • Initiatives to Achieve Community Social Welfare
  • Initiatives to Support of Sports and Leisure Activities
  • Initiatives to Provide Information Processing Education

Initiatives to the Publish the Braille Version of Books and Audio Books

We publish a diversity of complementary books to improve the access to information and the improved reading environment for the visually
handicapped. We support them to acquire the information they need by publishing braille version of books and periodicals and also help them
living their lives with convenience by producing and providing braille version of calendars, signboards and the like. In addition, we help them
listen easily to the contents of printed books, magazines and motion pictures with cassette tapes, CDs, websites and smartphone apps by
providing them audio contents recorded by voice actors or volunteers.